A work in progress...
All Copyrights Apply
Throughout, I shall be literal, thus, to the extreme value
of the original meaning of each word, punctuation included.
In order to understand the depth of that which I am stating, and, thus, for true understanding of this world-altering
information, you will need and, therefore, want to explore the meaning of each of the words, herein, to the maximum value
of each word's original and unique meaning, punctuation included.
Ideally suited to this purpose are the Unabridged English Lexicon of 1776 (used by Dr. Benjamin Franklin and all of our
other Signatories for the signing of, both, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America),
which were based upon England's earliest translations of the earliest known Greek and Latin definitions, and Daniel Webster's
original Unabridged American Dictionary, both of which can be found within the Archives of the Library of Congress in Washington,
District of Columbia; short of that, Noah Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary of 1828 and Webster's Unabridged English
Dictionary of 1930 A.D., or earlier.
For any and all words created after 1930 A.D., it is most accurate to reference the original occurrence of the specified
word within the version of Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary within which the word first appeared; such is true, most
frequently, of modern medical and technical terms. Only the original (true) meanings of each of the words so-located can
be mathematically-verified
(such that they equate ( = )), which is critical to accuracy and, therefore, to truth; thus, using Standard Mathematical
Operating Procedures,
the statements made, herein, are mathematically irrefutable ( = ).
It is, also, important to note that all Vital Absolute Truths are, forever and everywhere, simultaneously true and essential
to life, itself, as stated, the common knowledge of which will improve every facet of society on Earth. Thus, it is critically
important to thoroughly learn each Vital Absolute Truth, in order, prior to proceeding to the following Vital Absolute Truth,
in order to come to a full understanding of the depth of each and, subsequently, to genuinely know that of which you speak
whenever you speak, given that...
life is truth evolved.
VITAL ABSOLUTE TRUTH 1 (available: March 17, 2024)
Jane Gayle Smythe