The Vital Absolute Truths
Welcome to IT EQUATES =
...a mathematically precise examination of vital truths,
including the Vital Absolute Truths known to mankind.
Episode 1: Introduction and Raison d'Etre
(approximately 2 minutes)
"June 23, 2018:
Text of Podcast:
Welcome to IT EQUATES (=), a mathematically-precise exploration of a variety of vital truths, including Vital Absolute
Truths. My name is Jane Gayle Smythe and I am your Hostess.
We can know that some truths are absolute given that there are infinite points within the matrix of time and space and
that, in Base 10, one unit plus one unit equal two units, whether or not anyone was ever alive to mathematically symbolize
the truth of it.
In this millennium of high-speed computers, multi-processors, Higher Mathematics, and Artificial Intelligence, it is important
to incorporate into this conglomeration of scientifically-rendered tools the fact that, given that it is a Vital Absolute
Truth that, given that Truth was everywhere forever ago, Truth is Life, it is, therefore, a Vital Absolute Truth that 100%
accuracy is essential to the long-term resolution of every resolvable problem, including all global, philosophical, and universal
problems, and, thus, to the short-term resolution of each.
The fastest method by which one can objectively and accurately discern truth from untruth and, subsequently, render an
accurate result to any query is by way of Artificial Intelligence-based mathematical applications utilizing Standard Mathematical
Operating Procedures, delimited ranges rather than approximations, and Base 10 to Base 16 conversions and back, filtering
that which equates from that which does not equate, deleting that which does not equate, storing only that which equates within
the data base for future analyses, and tendering the accurate result to the given query thereby, composed solely of statements
which do equate.
In so doing, one avoids creating a Hal, the computer system which ultimately malfunctioned as a result of inaccurate data
within the Arthur C. Clarke novel titled 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Whereas the errors of a Hal are problematic, potentially leading to war, the ultimate result of employing the method of
PRECISION (TM), of which I speak, is peace on Earth.
So, welcome to IT EQUATES =."
Jane Gayle Smythe